The common denomenator...Energy.

Clearly the complex nature of the energy within our physical world forms the energy force available to be utilised by those spirit people wishing to physically demonstrate their continuing existence.  The nature of the manipulation and evolvement of this energy bank has become considerably changed over the years. 

I have personally been fortunate to have witnessed séance demonstrations when ectoplasm has been seen to build into physical substance, resulting in solid form becoming both seen and felt.  I have further witnessed ectoplasmic structures presented in order to enable independent/ direct voice to become heard or to move objects placed remotely from the designated medium. However, always during such demonstrations there has been a risk of harm to the medium as the substance is light sensitive, and as it has remained attached to their physical form damage could readily occur  (as historically proven).  This potential for harm has caused fear to become attached to the subject of physical mediumship.  It seems to me now that the spirit world have evolved ways of working that overcome this hazard.

I have heard others describe a 'new' energy form currently being developed by spirit and witnessed within home circles. Some descriptions offered by others are similar to how I might describe that which I have personally witnessed within the Lodge setting, but not all apply...every person, and herefore every séance circle utilises elements of energy that are unique unto themselves after all.  

I currently support several mediums for development here in the Lodge and each sits independently within a supportive environment, whilst utilising the shared 'battery' of energy held within the building.  Consequently, although each medium is developing to demonstrate different forms of evidential spiritual phenomena, seances here are displaying many elements together that are similar.  Without focussing upon the elements that are different one from another I will now do my best to describe the 'common denominator' elements that I personally witness currently when sitting with the developing and demonstrating mediums here within the Lodge. 

The energy appears, like ectoplasm, to exude from the medium and again, like ectoplasm, to be connected to supporting sitters. This factor becomes demonstrated when a connected sitter moves and sways or feels pulled or rebuffed by the connecting energy, according to the nature and behaviour of the connecting force.   
It is made clear by such demonstration that the energy is connective and that it can be utilised outside of a cabinet and also that the force can be felt within lit conditions, with the participants fully such conditions have been applied and the evidence noted. 

An energy force may not only be felt, but may build to become seen physically as clouds of fine 'mist' that increase in density...this is most often seen within the mediums aura, but has been seen more widely also.  Sometimes the clouds look rather like fine of cotton wool, particularly when they appear to adhere to the mediums skin.  However, in another formation the clouds might also develop illumination to a lesser or greater degree, and often the phenomena seen then appears with holographic affect. 
The energy may be seen as pulsating luminescent clouds in blackout conditions, and may be similarly seen within dimly lit conditions.  The cloud-like phenomena very often presents with an 'electric' fizzy appearance...or displays in fine strands, like silk fibre forming a fine web or mesh.  Pulsating light may form within the webs or cloud shapes and the holographic affect sometimes becomes further enhanced by the appearance of 'something' showing within it.  The 'electric' consideration is interesting, as the clearest demonstrations occur here within damp atmospheric conditions, and I have noticed that the phenomena appears more subdued within dry weather.  That said...I have recently witnessed clearly this illuminated form of phenomena in warm dry conditions.

Sometimes during a demonstration of this form of phenomena the designated medium has reported feeling tingling upon their skin...and sitters have occasionally reported the same.  A "mass of small popping sensations over my face" is one description offered.  Several mediums have also reported feeling a 'creeping' mass moving up and down their face or arm...this latter has also been reported at the coinciding time that I have personally witnessed a cloudy dense mass in that area.  Upon occasion the dense mass has appeared solid, showing as raised from the skin and presenting as a hand resting atop of the mediums own, and so on.  On a few occasions the medium has described feeling a solid weight sitting upon their lap, or resting upon their hand.  From this description you will realise that the mediums have been conscious during these demonstrations...thereby further indicating that unconsciousness is not a requirement for physical mediumship to become demonstrated.  In most cases too such phenomena has been seen in lit conditions.

It seems to me that very gradually the mediums auric field (and likely too that of the sitters) expands...and the cloudy, energetic mass within the auric field does likewise.  The density appears most strongly around the designated medium though...and when the medium moves or walks in the room the mass can very often be seen attached to them and moving with them.  However, there is conscious and intelligent spiritual control demonstrated also, as sometimes a 'gap' may be seen between the medium's physical form and the presented cloudy (or illuminated energetic) formation.  I personally believe as a result of observation that, within many Lodge seances the 'cloudy mass' is becoming caused to appear more densely at a distance from the medium, with the connection between becoming less densely apparent, which gives the impression of the distant cloud being itself an independent formation. 
The pulsating holographic light phenomena seen within the cloud can present as faces and other shapes within its mass. The holographic light formations have often now become projected...appearing to either cover the medium or to be presented somewhat distant from the mediums physical self...2ft or so away to date.

The energetic mass (either in light form or in cloudy fog form) might also act to connect a medium to a chair or table, or séance trumpet, sometimes causing mist or fizzy smoke to become seen around the 'inanimate' object.
The spiritual manipulation of energy may also result in sound emanation from an object...with small popping sounds, like rain or maybe more like an electrical discharge 'popping' .  Louder versions of this may emanate from within the floor, table or wooden furniture. 
With development, louder more complex sounds have become demonstrated in an intelligent manner, with complex rapping and tonal sound changes also becoming heard. 

It is, I feel, clear that this present 'new' energy form is as versatile in its presentation as ectoplasm.  Any energetic mass, be it holographic or cloudy in its presentation, simply disappears if disturbed...although those working within it often report experiencing some physical reaction to  disturbance.

As a result, and in response to, the changes being made by the spirit world to enable the various energetic forms to become effectively demonstrated, most of the seances now taking place within the Lodge environment are held it dimly lit conditions.  Without need for darkness lit conditions are our preference.  However at times blackout remains the choice, for some forms of light-based phenomena appear most clearly in such conditions.  Also at the present time, ectoplasm is still being utilised within some of the seances held here in the Lodge, so the matter of séance safety remains in place.

The cabinet here is in regular use both within ectoplasmic-based seances and the more modern energy forms.  The cabinet remains a focal point, acts as an energy portal and offers a place of comfort and privacy for mediums experiencing or recovering from an altered state of consciousness (when applicable) the structure is here to stay. 
Chris Di Nucci